Sunday, February 19, 2012

Glimpse of Montreal Protocol

                Montreal Protocol is an international agreement signed by 24 countries in September 1987 to protect and control the substances that could deplete the Ozone Layer. The treaty tackles about the reduction of the substances such as halons, methyl chloroform, chlorofluorocarbons and carbon tetrachloride. In 2006, these ozone depleting substances have been reduced to 95% by the 191 parties that signed the treaty.
Montreal Protocol was built when the Sherwin Rowland and Mario Molina, chemists from the University of California, released an article in the journal Nature ­­about the effects of CFC’s chain reaction process which destroys the Ozone layer. In their article, it describes that one chlorine atom could destroy as many as 100,000 molecules of Ozone. The destruction of Ozone could definitely affect us. There would be a possible spread of diseases like skin cancer, the drying of crops due to extreme heat and as what we are experiencing, the climate change. Due to this article, the hypothesis that these chemists brought up made an extensive media interest that leads in the formation of the Montreal Protocol.

 To date, Montreal Protocol has the greatest degree of global participation than any other United Nations Treaty. Moreover, developed countries actively participated in the phased out the production and the consumption of these chemicals. Through this, the developing countries continue to explore and research an alternative for these chemicals. In its scientific results, if we continue to follow the provisions of the Montreal Protocol the Ozone Layer is expected to return to its pre 1980 levels by 2050 and 2075. The effect of these could lessen the diseases that spread out like skin cancer and cataracts and could improve the climate change that we are experiencing right now. These are only few benefits that we could experience as we follow the provisions in the protocol. This shows that, it is not impossible to reduce the usage of these destructive substances. It happened because we do it altogether. Even small things could contribute a change as long as we do it hand in hand.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Can You Feel the Difference?

Unfamiliar things are happening to us now a days, and we could easily ignores them while we are too busy on our own things happening to us. We could see some calamities happening and injures many people but, we don't bother to have interest for it just didn't happen to us. Normally, this is one of the fact about our life today.

On April 5, 2010, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon called the drying up of the Aral Sea one of the planet's most shocking disasters and urged Central Asian leaders to step up efforts to solve the problem. As the world's fourth-largest lake was shrunk by 90% and when it is seen and captured by the satellite and comparing to the past image, the result was devastating. One big blue sea shrink as one crooked shaped formed by the lake. We could also base our topic to the the disappearance of Lake Chad in Africa is another vital destruction of the lake.

On April 30, 2010 there once also an article issuing the melting of the iceberg and slowly boosting sea-level rise. When we think of an Iceberg we could think of the time when the Titanic sunk hitting one, yes, it is also melting down. Such beauty which had been created and also a land and a home to the species living in the northern and southern most part of the world.
When an ice cube melts in a glass, the overall water level does not change from when the ice is frozen to when it joins the liquid. So, do you think that the melting of icebergs doesn't contribute to sea-level rise? Well, it doesn't sound like much, as it is said that 0.049 millimetres per year, but if all the sea ice currently bobbing on the oceans were to melt, it could raise sea level by 4 to 6 centimetres. As we can see that the fresh water which the iceberfs are made of, is less dense than the salty sea water. So while the amount of sea water displaced by the iceberg is equal to its weight, the melted fresh water will take up a slightly larger volume than the displaced salt water. And this will results as small increase in the water level of the earth. It is been reported by the calculation proven currently measured 3.1 millimetres per year of sea-level rise.

The cause of the Ozone layer thinning of our Earth, harm so much to our world to change. If you are feeling these changes, we must act now and not later.

p.s. prefer the act in the article below.