Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Montreal Protocol: A Sneak Peek

Beijing Montreal Protocol, 1999

The Montreal Protocol is an agreement upon by countries all over the world which focuses on the reduction of several chemical compounds or substances that may cause harmful effects in the ozone layer, the protective barrier up in the atmosphere.

The Montreal Protocol has, in the long run, has been successful in phasing out several substances harmful to the ozone. The protocol has been revised or changed over the years in several conventions made by several countries such as China. Different substances have been included in the list and was set that it should be phased out in a given time frame.

Some alternatives were given to replace the ozone-destructing CFCs or cholorofluorocarbon such as HCFCs and HFCs which are successful in phasing out CFCs and at the same time, giving the same benefits of CFCs.



  1. Has the Montreal Protocol been successful in reducing ozone-depleting gases in the

    1. Yes. As a result of the Montreal Protocol, the total abundance of ozone-depleting gases in the atmosphere has begun to decrease in recent years. If all countries that have signed the Protocol
      maintain their commitments, the decrease of ODS in the atmosphere will continue through the 21st century.
